Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Bye Bye Baby Fat

I’ve recently started working out again. Though it’s very hard to do sometime because either Annabelle wants my boob, or Jade decides she wants me to play tea parties with her just as I’m warming up. I’ve tried the waking up before they do, yea that did not work! My husband would wake me up as he’s leaving for work and I refused to wake up. So now, I try to get Annabelle down for her afternoon nap and do it then. Jades starting to “work out” with me, but her definition of working out is having a dance party. I usually have my music on, so yea to her it is a dance party. I’m trying to get back into the habit of working out every day and not skipping days. So far so good. I’m down six pounds and extremely proud of myself. I don’t want to be that parent that takes her kids to the park and just sits her butt down on a bench because she’s too tired to play. Not saying I just sit there while they play, I play with them. I want to be more active with my girls. Annabelle can barely walk, but Jade can run for miles! It’s just a matter of time until Annabelle is right behind Jade and I’m right behind both of them. Not only am I wanting to get fit for my girls but also for myself. I feel beautiful already, but sometimes I feel like I don’t look beautiful. And I guess one way of looking beautiful is looking the way I want. I want to feel confident in my own skin. I will keep you all updated on my progress.

1 comment:

  1. Great job on keeping that motivation! Let's keep the dedication on the positive side to achieve your goals!
